Docker RoutingProfileManager already created


I’am trying to generate the whole Europe in 3 different weightings


Each time I get the same error:

[routing.RoutingProfileManager] - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: already created

On the other hand, I am able to get the whole generation done with the same configuration but only with two weighting.



         "content_licence":"LGPL 3.0"
            "attribution":", OpenStreetMap contributors"
            "attribution":", OpenStreetMap contributors"
            "attribution":", OpenStreetMap contributors",
                  "maximum_alternative_routes": 1,
                        "RoadAccessRestrictions": {
                           "use_for_warnings": true

tree openrouteservice/docker/perm/graphs (after the error):

└── vehicles-hgv
├── landmarks_fastest_heavyvehicle
├── landmarks_shortest_heavyvehicle
├── location_index
├── subnetwork_landmarks_fastest_heavyvehicle
└── subnetwork_landmarks_shortest_heavyvehicle

1 directory, 5 files

That looks like either there is another instance already building the graphs, or the build didn’t finish and then was restarted. If there are no other instances building, then the best bet is to delete the contents of the graphs folder and then start the process again.

In our global graphs though, we do not build fastest - only shortest and recommended so if deleting the graphs doesnt work, then changing it to that might help.