Distance between more than 2 point


as noted in this post, this again is not valid python syntax, since profile, format and the features, properties, segments and distance key in route are strings and thus should be enclosed in matching single or double quotes, not backticks.

Note, that this is easier to see when pasting code using the syntax formatting provided by discourse, which is done by enclosing text in 3 backticks (```), which will format it as a code block or enclosing text in 1 backtick (`), which will format it inline.

For a documentation of your route-geojson, refer to the documentation of route in the response tab of the documentation of the default directions endpoint (click on the green questionmark). Disregard any keys not present in your response.

When asking for a route using more than two coordinates, every pair of coordinates defines a segment, i.e. the route between these two coordinates.

Best regards,