How to get directions for a route above 300km?

Hello, I have an issue with directions and doesn’t let me to find the direction of a road trip above 300km with heavy vehicle. If i add HGV settings on a trip above 300km an error appears:
" Error Code 2004: parameters exceeds the server configuration limits. [...]".

For more information please check the screenshot uploaded below.


Hi @Vl4DiMiR,
currently due to processing restrictions, we have to limit the distance of routes that have such dynamic restrictions else our servers become unstable. However, we are planning a release over the upcoming week that should allow longer distance routes to be generated with these restrictions as we have a new algorithm that drastically improves performance. Keep an eye on this forum as we will make an announcement when it has been completed.

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Hi @adam,

it seems there is always the limitation, with a profil cycling-road and an steepness_difculty setting to ‘3’, I always got:

  "message":"Request parameters exceed the server configuration limits. By dynamic weighting, the approximated distance of a route segment must not be greater than 300000.0 meters."

Do you know when it is planned to increase this limit?

Thanks again for this great service and this great works!

Not sure if this is (or will be) part of the core for C-ALT for bikes (Cc @HendrikLeuschner and @andrzej), in which case we probably will increase the limit quite a lot at some point in the close future.

Unfortunately, the upcoming transition to CALT won’t address this issue because the steepness_difficulty feature requires a fully dynamic routing algorithm which CALT is not. I’m sorry I don’t have better news, but I don’t expect any significant increase of the limit in the foreseeable future.

@andrzej Too bad :wink:
It’s not every day that we plan a ride more than 300 km but it happens (Paris-Brest-Paris and is brevets in 2019 for example).

If I disable the option, with the profile cycling-road, it is always limited to 300 km.

I will work on a workaround on the client side.

You can also set up your own ORS server. Then you can have set the limit to whatever you want:

Yes, it is an option.
I’ll probably try, but not in the near future. It’s a big job. :wink:

And I need to find documentation for FreeBSD…

What are the minimum resources needed?

But a week ago, I didn’t know that I would launch the course editor project, and especially that it would already be functional! :smiley:

So… impossible is not French :wink: